State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Methodical work

Educational disciplines
Мethodical work
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Methodical work

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Підписуйтесь на спільноти спеціальності "073 - Менеджмент" кафедри Менеджменту та першим отримуйте новини, сповіщення про важливі події, підготовчі курси, дні відкритих дверей та багато цікавого.

The Department of radio monitoring and radio frequency management is an educational and scientific structural division of the State University of telecommunications that provides training and methodical work and is part of the faculty of telecommunication engineering in Educational-scientific Institute of telecommunications and informatization.

The main task of the Department is organization and realization of high level of teaching and methodical work in the disciplines, which are fixed behind the Department for training of bachelors, specialists and masters for new educational technologies in the educational process in accordance with the democratic values of modern scientific-technical achievements of the Bologna ideas.

The main forms of discipline are lectures, practical and laboratory classes, independent work, course projects and papers, the final stage - writing theses, projects on educational-qualifying level „Specialist”, and certification of works on the educational-qualifying level „Master”.

To develop themselves are carried separate topics, which developed the teaching staff of the chair and presented in textbooks, monographs and textbooks. Material-constructed systematically does the combination of new methods of organization of radio monitoring and radio frequency management, calculation of construction of information networks, improvement of the methods of planning and operation of radio communications.

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