State University of Information and Communication Technologies

03110, Ukraine
Kyiv, 7 Solomyanska Street
State University of Information and Communication Technologies

Scientific activities

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Scientific activities

Research work of department is the urgent constituent of research work of university and sent to providing of educational-educator process on a department, realization of researches of development in industry of telecommunications.

The marked requires the decision of next tasks:

- it is Providing of increase of efficiency of scientific researches of department;

- it is Activation of participation of teachers of department in-process international, allukrainian and regional scientific conferences;

- it is Assistance to introduction of results of research developments of department in an educational process;

- it is Activation of participation of students in research work.
          The teachers of department publish the scientific articles, theses systematic, come forward with lectures and reports on theoretical, scientific and technical seminars, conferences, scientifically-methodical conferences of Educational-scientific institute of telecommunications and informatization of the State university of telecommunications and on international research and practice conferences.


1. L.А. Кirpach, І.М. Sribna, К.P. Storchak. Question of providing of reliability of modern TCNS. / Materials of  II Scientific and technical conference ["Problems of informatization"]. (Кiev, 12-13 аpril 2014 g.) К.: SUТ, 2014. - p.25 - 26.

2. Sribna І.М.,  Кirpach L.А., Storchak К.P. An estimation of reliability is in modern communication networks./Modern of informatively-communication technologies of /COMINFO2012/: of VIII International scientific and technical conference, on October, 01-05 in 2012: theses of lecture - Livadiya. - 2012. - p. 155.

3. Storchak К.P., Sribna І.М.,  Кirpach L.А. Research of descriptions of coverage of radio networks of access on the base of technology of LTE / New technologies in telecommunications: V the International scientific and technical symposium, on January, 17-21 in 2012: theses of  lecture are Carpathians, Vishkiv - 2012. - P. 112-113.

4. Nedashkivskiy O.L., Sribna І.М., Boyko I.A., Rogozhnikov O.I.  Comparative description of the antijammingness systems is at the use of multiposition signals / Announcer of the State university of informatively-communication technologies. - 2012.- Т.10, №1.- P.73-77. Professional edition.

5. К.P. Storchak, U.I. Yeremeev, І.М.Sribna. Research of fading of radio signal is in the real systems of monitoring of networks of LTE /Connection. - 2013. - №1 (101). - P. 58-60. Professional edition.

6. Sribna І.М. Research of the system PLLF with unclear regulator, expected by the modified method / of И.Н. Срибная // of Copulas. - 2013. - №3 (103). - P. 74-76. Professional edition.

7. Sribna І.М. Planning of unclear regulator with the three-cornered functions of belonging /of Copulas. - 2013. - №4 (104). - P. 64-67. Professional edition.
          8. Sribna І.М. Research of optimal parameters of the systems is with the set structure at the determined and casual sizes /Control system of navigation and connection. [collection sciences labours]. it is Poltava: Center. НДІ of navigation and management, 2014. – producing 3 (31). - P. 81 - 83. Professional edition.

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